Page 45 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
P. 45

Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation  45

                                            ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDINGS

demonstrate successful approaches           The FP7 project STREAMER, to be          March 2016
for deep retrofitting and has laid           completed in September 2017, is
the groundwork for massive market           represented under the technology         EeB PPP
uptake. The project identified and           clusters Design and BIM. STREAMER        Project
implemented cost-effective ‘solution        addresses the design of energy           Review
packages’ and delivered approximately       efficient hospital buildings. Healthcare  2016
75% heating demand reduction within         buildings and districts are among the
the demonstration sites.                    top EU priorities for Energy-efficient                           This project has received funding from the European                      Buildings since they play a key                                 Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
                                            factor for a sustainable community.                             programme under grant agreement No 637003
BIM (BUILDING INFORMATION                   Furthermore, their energy use and
MODELING)                                   carbon emission are among the highest     For more project achievements,
There are numerous projects                 of all building types. The project aims   consult the ECTP 2016 EeB PPP
underway that are addressing the            to reduce the energy use and carbon       Project Review at
energy efficiency of buildings and           emission of healthcare districts in the
infrastructures through the use of ICT      EU by 50% in the next 10 years by
and novel BIM approaches. Building          enabling clients, architects, technical
Information Modelling (BIM) appears         designers, contractors, building
in the context of E2B as an instrument      operators and occupants to design
to help the structuring, managing           new and retrofitted energy-efficient
and integration of building projects’       buildings integrated in the healthcare
information, facilitating the design,       district energy systems using optimized
simulation, analysis and operation          Semantic-driven Design methods and
of energy efficient solutions. BIM           interoperable tools for Building and
technology supports the building of         Geo Information Modelling (BIM-GIS).
accurate 3D virtual and parametric          The project creates dashboards that
models of a building containing precise     support decision making in the early
geometry and relevant information           design stages.
needed to support all the building ●
life cycle activities. This effectively
contributes to increased collaboration,
efficiency (materials, costs, time) and
project quality. By making virtual reality
simulations possible, BIM emphasizes
integrated and coordinated decision
making in supply chains, providing
the construction industry with an
instrument to support consistent
decisions throughout the building’s life

The ability of BIM models to capture
multiple types of building data
(location, geometry, use, construction
type, installations, comfort settings
etc.) supports the generation of
more reliable results, avoiding errors
and incoherencies, saving time and
effort, and minimizing uncertainties in
building energy modeling processes.
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