Page 45 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2016 publication
P. 45

Winter 2016 European Energy Innovation  45

                                           CARBON CAPTURE & STORAGE

December 2015 marked                       So, one year on and what impact has     funds. For example, signatories to      IMAGE ©: Statoil
                a historic moment in       the Paris Agreement had with regard     the Strategic Energy Technology
                tackling global climate    to CCS? There are signs that climate    Plan (SET Plan) have recently
                change, when 192           change is being taken more seriously    adopted ten new specific targets
 countries came together and signed        in the private sector; for example      for Carbon Capture Utilisation and
 the Paris Agreement, with the goal        the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative      Storage (CCUS). This is a positive
 of limiting the global temperature        (OGCI), a group of ten leading global   development and helps to move CCS
 increase to well below 2°C. If we         oil and gas companies, announced        discussions forward in Europe. CCS
 thought achieving the 2°C limit would     in November the establishment           transport infrastructure projects are
 be challenging, then achieving less       of a $1billion investment fund to       also eligible under the Connecting
 than this will be an even greater         support low-carbon technologies. A      Europe Facility, a European fund set
 battle. We will need all tools at our     large proportion of this fund will be   up to support Projects of Common
 disposal whilst keeping costs down        dedicated to CCS.                       Interest (PCI). The European
 as much as possible. Carbon Capture                                               Commission is currently designing
 and Storage (CCS) will be a vital         A number of countries are making        the criteria against which CCS
 part of the solution – the IPCC has       good progress with operational          transport projects will be judged.
 estimated that the costs of meeting       CCS projects. Norway is this year
 global climate change targets without     celebrating the 20-year anniversary of  However, more is needed. The Global
 CCS could increase by 138%.               the Sleipner CCS project – the world’s  CCS Institute recently published its
                                           first CO2 storage project which has so  2016 Global Status of CCS report, in
 The reason CCS is so important            far stored just over 16 million tonnes  which they found that by the end of
 comes from its ability to reduce          of CO2 since it began operating in      2017, 21 large-scale CCS projects
 emissions from a number of sectors.       1996.                                   are likely to be in operation around
 Industrial sectors such as steel,                                                 the world. Together these projects
 cement, chemicals and refining            Norway is now expanding its CCS         currently capture and store around
 will be very dependent on CCS             portfolio and recently announced        40 million tonnes of CO2 per year. To
 to achieve significant emissions          its intention to further develop        meet even a 2°C goal by 2050, the
 reductions. This is because these         CCS projects in three very diverse      GCCSI estimates that the world will
 sectors produce carbon dioxide as         industries; ammonia, cement and         need to capture and store almost
 part of the process (for example to       waste management & energy               4000 million tonnes per year – so we
 make steel in a blast furnace, you        recovery.                               need to significantly pick up the pace
 need to use coking coal and carbon                                                with CCS.
 dioxide is a by-product of this           And only last week, the Netherlands
 process).                                 announced the Dutch Energy and          Let’s not forget that CCS also
                                           Climate Plan, which emphasises          represents an important industry
 So CCS will be crucial to ensuring        the importance of CCS to meet           with the potential to create and
 a long-term, sustainable future for       climate change targets – particularly   retain thousands of jobs in the power
 these industries. In the power sector,    for industrial sectors. The plan also   and industrial sectors, as well as
 fossil fuel power with CCS will be vital  highlights the ROAD CCS project;        prolonging the life of oil and gas
 as a flexible source of low-carbon        a collaboration between Uniper          fields and delaying decommissioning.
 electricity that can complement other     (previously E.ON) and ENGIE
 options. As climate change targets        (previously GDF Suez) which could       In years to come, the Paris Agreement
 begin to bite for other sectors (e.g.     potentially represent the first step    could mark the turning point in
 aviation), the benefits of negative       in developing a large-scale CCS         our fight against climate change.
 emissions technologies will become        network, able to transport and store    However, it is only the beginning
 increasingly important. Bioenergy         emissions from industrial and power     and the real work to implement the
 with CCS currently represents the         sectors across Europe.                  actions begins now. We must ensure
 best option for producing large-scale                                             that policies are developed to deliver
 negative emissions and a number of        Turning to developments in              technologies like CCS that have the
 countries are developing projects in      Brussels, CCS is increasingly being     potential to drive a fundamental step-
 this area.                                incorporated into new policies and      change in reducing emissions. l
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