Page 52 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2015 publication
P. 52
Winter 2015 European Energy Innovation


Green HP: Towards a decarbonized energy
system with heat pumps
How to reduce CO2 emissions in cities

The building sector is one of the main solar thermal system and investigating the use of
consumers of energy in Europe. This fact propane as an alternative refrigerant. They will also
has prompted the EU-funded development demonstrate how an air/water heat pump unit can
of a heating system for use in urban interact with large energy systems, such as a smart
areas that can interact with future smart energy grid environment in particular. In addition, the use
infrastructures. and storage of energy will be rationalized.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels emitted from European The research undertaken in this three year project
cities must be dramatically reduced to meet current is based on a comprehensive multi-level research
EU 2030 goals or targets outlined in several EU approach ranging from innovative heat pump
directives. One key solution for turning our high- components to advanced system integration
populated cities to sustainable living areas, is by concepts.
emission heating systems. The main research objectives on the three research
Heat-pump technologies can cover the energy
demands of residential and commercial applications Component level:
as well as industrial processes without a loss of • New heat exchanger concepts based on brazed
comfort or quality. They offer a real opportunity to
close the gap between the current ambition level aluminium micro-channel heat exchangers
and the climate and energy targets of the EU and including bionic refrigerant distribution
the world. • New compressor concepts
The EU-funded project ‘Next generation heat pump advanced anti-icing and defrosting methods
these challenges by developing an advanced Unit level:
heating system with minimum environmental impact • 5HIULJHUDQWFKDUJHUHGXFWLRQ
using air/water heat pump technology that is both • +HDWSXPSGHVLJQHQDEOLQJKLJKHIƓFLHQFLHV
economically and environmentally viable.
System level:
Due to limited space in cities, heat pumps should • Building integration concepts including a
be integrated into existing buildings and must be
compatible with pre-existing heating systems. In photovoltaic and solar thermal system
addition, installation and running costs must be • +ROLVWLFFRQWUROVWUDWHJLHVIRUWKHV\VWHP
VXIƓFLHQWWRPDNHWKHFKDQJHRYHUWRKHDWSXPSVLQ • Energy management concepts for smart grid
urban areas economically attractive.
to multi-family or commercial buildings with a living 3RWHQWLDO,PSDFW
area of around 600 metres squared. It is based on a
variable capacity air/water heat pump and is capable 7KHH[SHFWHGUHVXOWVRIWKH*UHHQ+3SURMHFWLQFOXGH
of supplying up to 30 kW of heat for space heating • to prove that air/water heat pumps can be a most
and domestic hot water. Air/water heat pumps are
cheaper than ground-coupled heat pumps as they VLJQLƓFDQWIXWXUHKHDWLQJDQGFRROLQJWHFKQRORJ\
are much easier to install.
Moreover, researchers are developing the concept areas and cities
for combined operation with a photovoltaic and • to demonstrate the possibility to substantially
reduce refrigerant charges in air/water heat
pumps thus promoting the use of alternative
• to show how air/water heat pumps can be
integrated into larger existing systems with other
renewable energy technologies
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