Page 47 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2015 publication
P. 47
Winter 2015 European Energy Innovation 47


Construction’s small businesses can

By Patrick Liébus, President of EBC – Construction SMEs Europe (pictured)

%b uildings are the places 92% of all the building Construction SMEs need a
where people spend enterprises in Europe have less clear and long-term regulatory
most of their life, where framework that can facilitate
they work, learn and WKDQHPSOR\HHV7KHVHƓUPV investments.
have fun. This is partially the
reason why these buildings are FUHDWHORFDODQGTXDOLƓHGMREV The European Commission
So they are a real resource for the should also monitor Member
UHVSRQVLEOHIRURIƓQDO communities and must be taken States’ implementation of EU
energy consumption and 36% of into account by European and
all greenhouse gas emissions in national policy makers.
the European Union. It is by far
the single sector with the highest IMPROVING THE IMPACT OF
ƓJXUHVLQWKLVUHVSHFW The main two pieces of legislation
adopted by the European Union
The good news is that a lot of this – the Energy performance of
consumption can be saved quite Buildings Directive (EPBD) and
easily and in a cost-optimal way!
This means that if policy makers WKH(QHUJ\(IƓFLHQF\'LUHFWLYH
want to address climate change (EED) – have already brought out
they will need to look better into some improvements.

buildings. in 2010 – introduced the
obligation to inform households
About 35% of European buildings about the energy performance
was created more than 50 years of buildings and of the minimum
ago and 2/3 of the existing energy requirements through a
buildings will still be used in system of energy performance
2050. It goes even further when
we consider the building types. FHUWLƓFDWHV2QWKHRWKHUKDQG
Indeed, 75% of the square meters the EED – adopted in 2012 –
of the EU existing building stock introduced the possibility to
is made of housing, with industrial create partnerships between the
and commercial buildings only energy services providers and
making up 25%. the so-called ‘obligated parties’
(energy distributors and retail
This makes it evident that micro, energy sales companies).
small and medium companies
usually closer to private real- However, there are also gaps
estate owners will therefore be in the legislative framework.
the key actors of the ambitious On the whole, there is a lack
European climate policies by of coordination in European
carrying out most of the works legislation concerning energy
in the energy renovation market. and environmental issues. The
The construction sector is indeed European institutions should
composed by micro-companies: avoid repetitions and better
coordinate their initiatives.
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