Page 56 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2015 publication
P. 56
Winter 2015 European Energy Innovation


Smart windows today and tomorrow

By Frank Koos, Secretary General of EuroWindoor AISBL and Deputy General Manager of the German Window
and Facade Manufacturers’ Association (VFF) (pictured)

SMART WINDOWS TODAY needed to think how windows story that followed. Then came
Windows have developed at could help in achieving these windows that could actually
stunning speed over the last goals. generate their own power, thanks
few decades. Few components to solar heat and photovoltaics.
have been the object of as Insulating glass units, more However, a truly “smart” window
much innovation as the trusty HQHUJ\HIƓFLHQWLQVWDOODWLRQ today must also be part of a
window – especially when one techniques, new types of coated modern building automation
considers what it replaced: JODVVVPDUWJODVVFRQƓJXUDWLRQV system – for example enabling
Neolithic cave entrances, and and innovative ventilation and ventilation and solar shading to
empty semicircular openings in solar shading concepts all had be controlled automatically – and
Ancient Roman buildings. Even in their part to play in the success be integrated into the building
the 1970s, virtually all buildings
were still single-glazed. But soon
– prompted by rising energy
prices, the spectre of climate
change, and building users’
demands for greater comfort
in their homes and workplaces
– “smart” windows began to
emerge. Suddenly there was a call


daylight, and greater comfort and
convenience – and manufacturers
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