Page 18 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
P. 18

18  Autumn 2016 European Energy Innovation



    Editorial (European Energy Innovation)

    September 2016


INNOVATION IN PRACTICE           involving automated mooring and                  commission two combined

“SeGplaorbataelly e–nbguitnaelseoriwnigth agrFoinunpishCavotecchaisrginwgoarkpipnlgicataiocntisveealyrlietrothids eyevaerl,o” p inanuotovmataitveed mooring and battery
conwniereclteiosns– cwhearregcienigvedanadn oarudteormated mDouocrloint gsaytes.chnologies for ships – systcehmarsgitnhgastystems for an electric
    make dramatic improvements in safety, operational efficiency, and envirohnybmriednptaasl senger ferry application in
    CLpCaaehvvriokfeot,feNrcmMoMraawonrakocyere.Mt.inaSsgptee&ra™kSiMntrgMat2ee0xg0cyEluuOsnifivftiecleyr,tm“oFYaoEanrnuuthnfraioscDptpueurraocinnjlegocE,tt,a,nnwoedeurgwtalyriinlelIeinnsnstohavlolaawtniodCna, vCoatveocteshocoupGtherwsoeutsopt  Finland.”
at  support the wider use of vessel charging and automated mooring in“Twhheaatppislication integrates our

    sometimes described as a conservative industry.                               MoorMaster™, Alternative Maritime

                                                                                  Power (AMP), and Automatic Plug-in

    “For us, innovation and partnerships are the two key aspects of encouraging the Swyisdteermu,s(AePS). APS automates the
    of systems that drive efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and improveconsnaefecttyio,”n of cranes, ships and other
                                                                                  mobile equipment to electrical power
    explains Duclot.
                                                                                  using cable reels,”

    “Earlier this year, we entered into a co-operation agreement with Finnish marine and
    energy group Wärtsilä to develop the world’s first integrated marine wireless cha“rTghinisgeaxnpdands the potential use of
                                                                                  mobile electrical equipment, and
    automated mooring concept.”
                                                                                  generates cost savings as well as

    “The agreement incorporates Wärtsilä’s innovative wireless vessel charging systeimmp, rwovhiincgh safety,” he adds.

    is based on inductive power transfer, (IPT), and incorporates our vacuum-based,
                                                                                  Similar to the Cavotec systems that
    automated mooring technology MoorMaster™.”
                                                                                  already moor and charge a battery-

    “Significant interest already exists in this system, with the first prototype schepdouwleedredfopr assenger ferry at two berths
                                                                                  in Norway, two MoorMaster™ MM200
    installation at an application in Norway during the first half of 2017.”
                                                                                  units will be installed at the Parainen and

    The IPT sequence                                                              Nauvo berths, (one unit at each berth),

    “What we have done is to combine MoorMaster™ vacuum pads with Wärtsiläa’lsonIPgTwittho two AMP charging towers.

    achieve the fastest ever automated mooring and charging sequence,” claims Duclot.
                                                                                                                        The MoorMaster™ unit signals to the

    “The speed of the operation supports key industry objectives such as reducing thAeMoPvuenriat lwl hen the ship is securely
                                                                                  moored, and a laser sensor then guides
    cost of investment in terms of battery cost, vessel weight, and heat load.”
                                                                                  the AMP connector to a hatch in the

    As ferries approach the berth, the IPT system readies for the charging andsidmeooofritnhge vessel where it connects to
    sequence. Crucially – and in one of the key features of this system – charging canthbeesghiinp’s battery unit to begin charging.

    Page 1 of 4                  Ports & Maritime  Airports  Mining & Tunnelling  The electric hybrid ferry, which will
                                                                                  be operated by FinFerries, will be                                                              approximately 90m in length, 16m                                                                   wide, and will be able to carry up to
                                                                                  G9e0nercalaInrdsu.stIrty is due to enter service in
    	                                                                             summer 2017. The vessel will make
                                                                                  crossings – at 15-minute intervals
                                                                                  during the day, and one round trip per
                                                                                  hour at night – throughout the year and
                                                                                  in all weather conditions.

Cavotec is a global engineering group that manufactures power transmission,       “This, and a similar application already
distribution and control technologies that form the link between fixed and        in operation in Norway, are attracting
mobile equipment in the Ports & Maritime, Airports, Mining & Tunnelling and       interest in the sector, and have the
General Industry sectors. To find out more about Cavotec, visit our website at    potential to be introduced by similar ferry                                                                      services all over the world,” says Duclot. l

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