Page 13 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
P. 13

Autumn 2016 European Energy Innovation     13


The LNG era in the Port of Venice

The port of Venice is at the                 under the “Green Port Policy” focus on     With EU co-funded Action, the whole
            intersection of the main         three main areas:                          project is currently being developed
            European transport corridors     1.	 Air: in addition to air quality
            and Motorways of the Sea.                                                   •	 within the GAINN4CORE project
Thanks to its strategic position, it can         monitoring and assessment, the             (initiative promoted by the Italian
act as a European gateway for trade              Port has started up a number of            Ministry of Infrastructure and
flows to and from Asia. One harbor with          projects aimed at cutting emissions        Transport, in order to create the
three Ports of call:                             and promoting the use of alternative       Italian alternative fuels network
                                                 energy.                                    according to the Directive
Venice cargo port facilities can count       2.	 Water: the Port’s quaysides have           2014/94/EU)
on 2.000 hectares of port logistics              been designed to avoid any
areas, being one of the major European           contamination seeping from the             ENI will design and implement a
Ports for project and general cargo and          land into either the lagoon or the         pilot LNG refueling station with a
one of the main Ports in the Adriatic            water table.                               capacity of about 150 [m3] able
Sea for containers traffic. Furthermore,     3.	 Land: Venice Port Authority set up         to supply a LNG demand of about
the Port of Venice is the first cruise Port      a big campaign of soil remediation         3.000 [ton/y], for both maritime
in Europe and in Italy (Home In/Out              involving 110 ha, with 105 million €       and road uses; VPA will take care of
Pax, 2015 – Report Medcruise, Cruise             already invested                           studying the accessibility and safety
activities in Medcruise Ports 2015) and                                                     aspects related to LNG storage and
it counts on the Italian most modern         Since 2013, as part of its environmental       distribution, with respect to the
Motorways of The Sea Terminal (Ro-           policy, the Port of Venice has planned         above mentioned initiative;
Ro/Ro-Pax).                                  a set of activities to promote the use
                                             of LNG as an alternative fuel for both     •	 within Poseidon Med2 project; the
Focusing on environmental issues,            maritime and land transport modes.             European Union has granted the
the Venice Port Authority (VPA) is                                                          co-funding of over € 9 million to the
committed in many projects aimed             It all started in 2013, with the drafting      Rimorchiatori Riuniti Panfido for the
at the preservation and improvement          of the North Adriatic Master Plan for          construction of the first prototype
of Venice and its Lagoon, such as the        the development of port infrastructure         of an innovative LNG powered ship
restoration of the Venetian waterfront,      for LNG and other alternative energy           designed by BMT Titron (England).
the remediation of land and water and        sources as part of the Poseidon Med
the use of alternative energies.             project. The demand analysis (see          A larger LNG hub, is also planned as
                                             graph below) shows that Venice has         other port and logistics companies are
The environmental sustainability of Port     all the numbers to become the LNG          ready to invest more than 80 mio € on
activities is one of the VPA’s main goals.   distribution hub for the whole North       bunkering, maritime and road refueling
In particular, the actions undertaken        Adriatic area for maritime and road        stations. l
                                             transport sectors.

LNG demand analysis in the port of Venice 2016-2030. (Ton of LNG)
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