Page 21 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
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Autumn 2016 European Energy Innovation      21


The NEWLED project

The European project NEWLED             made: Novel nanostructures and              Fig. 1. (Top image) Chromaticity
            (Nanostructured Efficient   devices have been designed,                 coordinates of a monolithic blue-cyan
            White LEDs based on short-  fabricated and evaluated by the             LED and a phosphor-converted LED
            period superlattices and    project partners; detailed theoretical      with a superior CRI of 98.6; (Bottom
quantum dots), launched in 2012, aims   models have been developed, e.g.            image) CRI and CCT vs. current of the
to develop high-efficiency and high-    for the optimal ways of colour mixing       developed high-brightness white LED.
brightness monolithic and hybrid all-   providing the optimal emission
semiconductor white GaN-based light-    wavelengths, spectral widths and            The obtained results are enormously
emitting-diodes (LEDs). This €11.8M     necessary efficacies of the individual      encouraging and confirm the great
FP7-IP project involving 15 leading     monochromatic LEDs that serve as a          potential of the NEWLED technology to
academic and industrial partners        guide for the development of high-          enable future development of highly-
from all over Europe is coordinated     efficacy white LEDs with high CRI.          efficient and high-brightness white LEDs. l
by Aston University, Birmingham, UK.    Novel crystal growth approaches are
The NEWLED consortium has been          used to develop superior materials that     Mr. James Clayton
assembled to bring together highly      are processed by best-in-class chip         newled @
recognised experts from academia and    processes facilitating optimal current
industry ensuring best material and     spreading and light extraction.
process development
supported by expert simulation and      NEWLED has already delivered
perfectly adapted rigorous analytical   significant advances and world record
capabilities.                           performances in realisation of a new
                                        class of LEDs with high capabilities.
The principle objective of the NEWLED   To date, white LEDs with efficacy
project is the development of high      of 200 lm/W at CRI of 90 with wall-
brightness white LEDs with high         plug efficiency of ~60% have been
colour rendering index (CRI >95) and    demonstrated by the NEWLED
efficacies of more than 200 lm/W.       consortium. The advantage of the use a
Along this, the team also investigates  dual-colour monolithic blue-cyan LED
advanced packaging to enable            emitting in the 420-480 nm wavelength
effective heat dissipation and light    range with a mixture of green and red
management to realise lifetimes of      phosphors has also been explored to
more than 50k hours. The devices        achieve warm-white light emission with
will have immediate applications in     correlated colour temperature (CCT)
automotive, industrial lighting and     of ~3300K and superior CRI of 98.6
displays industries. The widespread     (Fig. 1), thus allowing a reduction of the
implementation would reduce global      number of phosphors used for warm-
energy consumption by approximately     white light emission with high CRI.
10% and reduce CO2 emissions by 3 Bn
tonnes with consequent economic and       Contact details:
environmental benefits.
NEWLED collaborators have played          Prof. Edik Rafailov
a tremendous role in developing and       e.rafailov @
exploiting a range of challenging
and cutting-edge research directions
to advance both the physical
understanding and the key technology
underlying novel light-emitting diodes
with superior capabilities. During the
project, excellent progress has been
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