Page 17 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
P. 17

Autumn 2016 European Energy Innovation    17


The power behind vessel charging
and automated mooring

Global engineering group                     “The speed of the operation supports      At departure, a signal received from
                Cavotec is working actively  key industry objectives such as           the bridge or ramp indicates to the
                to develop innovative        reducing the overall cost of investment   MoorMaster™ vacuum pads to retract
                wireless charging and        in terms of battery cost, vessel weight,  from the vessel within 10 seconds. The
automated mooring technologies for           and heat load.”                           charging sequence ends when the
ships – systems that make dramatic                                                     induction plates are no longer within
improvements in safety, operational          As ferries approach the berth, the IPT    acceptable operational limits.
efficiency, and environmental                system readies for the charging and
performance. Speaking exclusively to         mooring sequence. Crucially – and in      MOORMASTER™ AUTOMATED
European Energy Innovation,                  one of the key features of this system    MOORING
Cavotec Group Chief Marketing &              – charging can begin before the vessel    MoorMaster™ is a vacuum-based
Strategy Officer, Yann Duclot, outlines      is fully moored, thereby generating       automated mooring technology that
how Cavotec hopes to support                 significant time savings, which in fast   eliminates the need for conventional
the wider use of vessel charging             turn-around ferry service settings are    mooring lines. Remote controlled
and automated mooring in what is             especially relevant.                      vacuum pads recessed in, or mounted
sometimes described as a conservative                                                  on the quayside or pontoons, moor and
industry.                                    An advanced detection system              release vessels in seconds.
                                             determines when the IPT unit is within
“For us, innovation and partnerships         an appropriate range of the vessel,       The system dramatically improves
are the two key aspects of encouraging       and once 75 per cent of the surface       safety and operational efficiency, and
the wider use of systems that drive          area of the charging plates on the ship   in many cases enables ports to make
efficiency, reduce environmental             and MoorMaster™ are overlapping,          considerable infrastructure savings. To
impact, and improve safety,” explains        charging starts.                          date, some 200 MoorMaster™ units
Duclot.                                                                                have performed more than 200,000
                                             Operators manoeuvre the ferry             mooring operations at 30 – soon
“Earlier this year, we entered into a        alongside the berth, and once in          to be 42 – ferry, bulk handling, Ro/
co-operation agreement with Finnish          position, a number of vacuum pads         Ro, container and lock applications
marine and energy group Wärtsilä to          – typically around four for the size of   worldwide.
develop the world’s first integrated         ferry envisaged in this co-operation –
marine wireless charging and                 extend, and attach to the vessel’s hull,  The vacuum units hold vessels at set
automated mooring concept.”                  achieving safe, secure mooring within     distances from the berth, thereby
                                             30 seconds.                               avoiding the need for ships to be
“The agreement incorporates Wärtsilä’s                                                 repositioned along the quay – resulting
innovative wireless vessel charging          “This really is a step-change in          in operational improvements and
system, which is based on inductive          operational efficiency,” says Duclot.     reduced emissions from ships and tugs.
power transfer, (IPT), and incorporates
our vacuum-based, automated mooring
technology MoorMaster™.”

“Significant interest already exists in
this system, with the first prototype
scheduled for installation at an
application in Norway during the first
half of 2017.”

“What we have done is to combine
MoorMaster™ vacuum pads with
Wärtsilä’s IPT to achieve the fastest
ever automated mooring and charging
sequence,” claims Duclot.
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