Page 46 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2014
P. 46
46 Autumn 2014 European Energy Innovation


Energy performance contracting

bringing light to European streets

be purchasable. Nearly 80 % HIGH SAVINGS POTENTIALOF LEDS
of all streetlamps currently in The recent market introduction
operation will be affected by this. of LED technology for street
Municipalities are under strong lighting offers high savings
pressure to act. with comparatively short pay-
back times (typically around
Christiane Egger – Streetlight- OPTIONS DURING THE 5-7 years). LED technology has
EPC project coordinator, OÖ PHASING-OUT been developing very rapidly
Energiesparverband As non-compliant lamps become over the past years. With cost
unavailable on the market, street reduction potentials of over 50%,
Street lighting is an lighting operators have the it is already an economically
important contributor following options: very interesting option for street
to traffic and public lighting refurbishment.
safety that requires a 1. Replacement of lamps only
substantial amount of electricity (“re-lamping”) EXAMPLE: COST OF DIFFERENT
and money. There are around Disadvantages: for most lamp LAMP TYPES
56 million streetlight luminaires types only possible until 2015, As shown in the table below,
in operation in Europe, with an likely technical problems, low the reduction of maintenance
estimated electricity consumption savings costs resulting from streetlight
of 35 TWh. For municipalities refurbishment is often of the
with older, inefficient systems, 2. Replacing both lamps and same order of magnitude as
street lighting can account for ballasts the reduction in electricity
30-50% of their total electricity Disadvantages: lamps and costs. It is the combination of
consumption. However, luminaires often do not fit both cost savings that make
the savings potential in this well, likely to result in a loss of such refurbishment projects
field is enormous – in many warranty on the whole system economically feasible. In addition
municipalities 30-70% with to cost reductions, well-designed
current technologies. 3. Reduction of street lighting LED street lighting systems can
services on an ad hoc basis bring significant improvements
(broken lamps are simply no in terms of light pollution and
longer replaced) protection of animal life.
Disadvantages: negative
impacts on safety and risk of Reaping the benefits of efficient
liability for accidents street lighting technologies
requires substantial upfront
This high efficiency potential was 4. Replacing luminaires investments. That is the major
recognised by European policies, (including lamps and ballasts) market barrier for operators of
which has led to phasing out by efficient and long-lasting street lighting. Additionally, the
requirements (between 2010 systems lack of trust in new technologies
and 2017) for many lamp types. Challenge: high upfront slows down market uptake. A
As a result, they will no longer investment costs functioning and trust-worthy
financing model is needed to help
Example: cost of different lamp types municipalities overcome these
barriers and succeed in carrying
Costs in 5 years (Euro/lamp) Costs in 15 years (Euro/lamp) out refurbishment projects.

Lamp type Invest- Elec- Mainte- Total Invest- Elec- Mainte- Total THE POTENTIAL OF ENERGY
ment tricity nance costs ment tricity nance costs PERFORMANCE CONTRACTING
HPM 4 321 230 555 12 964 690 1666 Energy performance contracting
is potentially a key instrument
HPS 20 214 230 464 68 623 690 1401

LED 160 67 75 302 319 201 225 745

HPM: High Pressure Mercury, HPS: High Pressure Sodium
   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51