Page 54 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2017 publication
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54  Autumn 2017 European Energy Innovation


most advanced universities and          and coordinates the efforts of the best   disciplines through 17 “Joint Research
research centres active in low carbon   EU research resources across the range    Programmes” (see figure).
technologies across the EU, EERA pools  of low carbon energy technologies and
                                                                                  Capitalizing on its successful track
Adel El Gammal is a recognized expert and a senior EU Affairs professional in     record of EU research collaboration
the fields of low carbon technologies, energy transition, and climate change.      and scientific excellence, EERA will
                                                                                  concentrate efforts on researching
Before joining EERA as Secretary General, Adel was active for the last 10 years   the conditions of a successful
in the EU climate energy debate, notably as Director of the Becquerel Institute,  transformational transition of the EU
a consultancy providing advanced research and intelligence on the energy          society to a low carbon regime.
transition, and Secretary General of the EU PV Industry Association (EPIA, now
SolarPower Europe), where he launched the SET-Plan Solar Europe Industry          Acknowledging the recommendations
Initiative (SEII).                                                                of the “Report of the Independent High
                                                                                  Level Group on maximizing impact
Adel is civil engineer from Ecole Polytechnique of Brussels, holds degrees in     of the EU Research and Innovation
Business Administration from Solvay Business School (Belgium) and Insead          Programmes”, EERA is therefore ideally
(France) and later specialized in Environment Management (IGEAT, Belgium).        positioned to contribute defining
                                                                                  and to embrace “Mission Oriented
About EERA                                                                        and Impact-Driven” Research and
The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) is an alliance of European public    Innovation programmes that will pave
research centres and universities.                                                the way to a competitive, fair and
                                                                                  prosperous low carbon energy regime
It constitutes the strategic research pillar of the European Strategic Energy     in Europe. ●
Technology Plan (SET-Plan).
                                                                                    Contact details:
EERA brings together about 250 research centres and universities.                   For more information about EERA
Actively working together on 17 joint research programmes, they build on            please visit
national research initiatives. In a Joint Programme a research organization
join institutions in other European countries to work on shared priorities and
research projects. The EERA Joint Programmes are aligned with the priorities for
low carbon technologies defined in the SET-Plan.

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