Page 30 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
P. 30

30  Autumn 2016 European Energy Innovation


It’s all about cooperation: the
role of EERA as a key stakeholder
to accelerate energy transition

By Hervé Bernard, Chairman of EERA

The establishment of the                  A renewed SET-Plan, launched in           EERA’s strengthened role is the fruit
            Energy Union - the EU         September 2015, has given new             of both a regular dialogue with the
            overall strategy for secure,  impetus to the role of the European       European Commission, the Member
            competitive and sustainable   Energy Research Alliance (EERA)           States and other stakeholders and of
energy - as one of the main priorities    as research backbone and key EU           our members’ huge work to deliver
of the Juncker Commission, has            energy stakeholder. It also calls for     excellent results in energy research.
strengthened the importance of the EU     more cooperation and increased
Strategic Energy-Technology Plan (SET-    coordination to maximize synergies        In the framework of our role, a
Plan) as a framework to achieve the EU    and pool resources at different           particular focus has been placed
energy objectives, with research as one   levels. Cooperation, both internal        on cooperation with industry. This
of the key pillars.                       and external, is at the heart of          is developed in a number of ways,
                                          EERA’s mission and work: internally,      including through joint projects, both
                                          by mobilizing and coordinating            within the Joint Programmes and
                                          the research community, bringing          bilaterally, and via recommendations to
                                          together over 175 leading energy          EU decision makers based on common
                                          research centers and universities         research and innovation priorities. In
                                          from 27 countries in 17 thematic Joint    addition, we recently developed a
                                          Programmes, and aligning bottom-          software tool to make research results
                                          up activities with the directions         easily available to industry and facilitate
                                          set out by the SET-Plan; externally,      knowledge transfer. We also signed a
                                          working in close coordination with        Memorandum of Understanding with
                                          stakeholders. This is well reflected in   EMIRI, the Energy Materials Industrial
                                          the key objectives of EERA’s 2015-        Research Initiative, with concrete
                                          2020 strategy, namely: delivering and     cooperation measures in the field of
                                          disseminating results on the SET-Plan     materials for energy. Another way to
                                          actions; acting as SET-Plan ambassador;   increase our link with industries will
                                          advising on the priorities of the SET-    be explored at the EERA conference
                                          Plan, on strategic energy targets and     in Birmingham on November 24th-
                                          on foresight work; coordinating the       25th, where companies will sponsor
                                          scientific community in the energy        the event and will join the programme,
                                          sector to delivering excellent research;  thus getting direct access to the
                                          supporting the mobility of researchers    whole research community for fruitful
                                          and implementing student training         exchanges.
                                          programmes, in collaboration with
                                          university stakeholders (in particular    Cooperation with industry is key to our
                                          the European University Association);     work and to help companies taking up
                                          facilitating the transfer of research     research results and turning them into
                                          results, solutions and knowledge to       innovative solutions for the citizens
                                          industry.                                 and the market. The solution-oriented

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