Page 62 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2015 publication
P. 62
Winter 2015 European Energy Innovation


The role of Battery energy storage in the
new energy market design

By Francesco Gattiglio, EUROBAT (pictured) and untap their potential to such as battery energy storage,
ensure a stable and secure removing legislative barriers and
After the publication energy supply, Europe needs to creating the correct incentives to
of the Energy Union work to overcome the limits of
Strategy1 and the renewables. Renewables are not PRGHUQL]HWKHHQHUJ\PDUNHW
Communication on a constant source of energy, and
New Energy Market Design2, the depend on unstable weather One of the key provisions of the
European Commission is about conditions. So far, the integration new energy market design might
to propose in 2016 a package of of renewables into the electricity
legislative measures that could grid has posed important EHHOHFWULFLW\SULFHVUHŴHFWLQJ
reshape the way European energy challenges in terms of stability scarcity. This would represent
market works. In this package, and continuous availability, and an important market signal
battery energy storage (BES) with the growth of the share of for demand-response, smart
renewables these challenges will appliances (including electric
PLJKWƓQDOO\VHHUHFRJQL]HGLWV become more and more relevant. vehicles) and storage solutions
importance and its potential to
HPSRZHUFLWL]HQVWRWDNHDQDFWLYH problems storing energy from prices would stimulate energy
role in the energy transition, on-peak renewable energy and
discharging it when it is more HIƓFLHQWDQGVPDUWVROXWLRQV
LQFUHDVHWKHQHFHVVDU\ŴH[LELOLW\ needed on central, de-central now hampered by regulated
favoring the deployment of and off-grid situations. Moreover, prices. Besides, it will be
renewables and the stability of batteries can also offer grid important that electricity prices
the grid. services like voltage control and
frequency regulation, maintaining ZLOOUHŴHFWWUDQVPLVVLRQFRVWV
To fully deploy renewables storage solutions could be used
JULGVWDELOLW\RIIHULQJŴH[LELOLW\ for transmission congestion

services and security of supply. UHOLHIGHIHUULQJH[SHQVLYH
All four batteries technologies –
lead, lithium, nickel, sodium – can LQYHVWPHQWVDQGH[WHQGLQJWKH
provide distinctive and important
functions to grid operators and OLIHRIWKHH[LVWLQJWUDQVPLVVLRQ
infrastructures. Transmission
further technological and of electricity would allow a fair
economic improvement. market selection of the most

The consultation process on new HIƓFLHQWVROXWLRQ
market design and the debate
on the Energy Union are thus A general problem of storage in
important steps for the creation the current energy market is the
of a more balanced EU energy
market. It is fundamental to take ODFNRIDQDJUHHGGHƓQLWLRQRI
into account the contribution energy storage at EU level. On the
offered by new technologies practical level, this has two direct

most of the EU countries consider
storage as a generation facility,
it is not clear if Transmission and
Distribution System Operators
(TSOs and DSOs) are allowed
to own storage facilities. This
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