Page 63 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2015 publication
P. 63
Winter 2015 European Energy Innovation 63


uncertainty is clearly a formidable able to include rewards for grid energy. Designing a legislative
barrier for investments of TSOs services and the overall capacity and regulatory system able
and DSOs, the actors that could to properly address these
use storage to better balance RIHQHUJ\VWRUDJHWRVWDELOL]H challenges will not be an easy task
quality and supply for renewables for the Commission. Nevertheless,
DQGVWDELOL]HWKHJULG'HƓQLQJ generation. The balancing market it will be fundamental to take
energy storage as a separate should also allow the participation DGYDQWDJHRIH[LVWLQJWRROVDQG
asset would improve market of small and individual producers systems able to facilitate the
conditions for take-up of market or aggregators, as well as of transition to the new energy
technologies, and should work any other actor in the energy V\VWHP,QWKLVFRQWH[WEDWWHULHV
towards enabling utilities to own market. An appropriate regulatory are part of the solution and will
and operate those technologies framework for aggregators play an important role in the
within their asset portfolio. is also needed to allow their European energy system if the
participation to the market. barriers to their deployment will
Additionally, energy storage is be removed.O
Overall, it will be of capital
WRGD\RIWHQGHƓQHGDVJHQHUDWLQJ importance to remove Contact details:
facility, but in some cases storage unnecessary barriers to tools
systems are also treated as end ensuring the proper integration Avenue Jules Bordet, 142
consumers, resulting in double of renewables. For instance, B-1140 Brussels, Belgium
fee imposition. Direct additional curtailment of renewable 7HO
energy is simply energy waste. (PDLOHXUREDW#HXUREDWRUJ
self-consumption should also be should always be avoided where
avoided, as it represents a strong and when possible. Storage
dis-incentive to the deployment systems can substantially reduce
of energy storage. curtailment rates absorbing
renewable energy when needed.
A proper, well-functioning Grid constraints naturally
balancing market should also preventing renewable energy
be a key element of the new from having priority of dispatch
energy market design. One of could be addressed through the
the problems faced by storage deployment of BES.

LVWKHLQVXIƓFLHQWRUQRQH[LVWLQJ The new energy system will see
reward of ancillary services such the presence of new actors,
as frequency regulation and the deployment of distributed
voltage control, an important generation and increasing
part of the business case for production of instable renewable
storage. It will be fundamental
for the European Commission to
promote a regulatory framework

1. European Commission Communication “A Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy”, 25/02/2015

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