Page 13 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2014
P. 13
Summer 2014 European Energy Innovation 13


attack by newcomers offering SMEs having strong traditional (Topic Interest Groups for the
lower wages and now-trained skills, face an obligation to Emergence of Research). These
personnel, and driven by their innovate, lead and remain (or industry-research working groups
strong willingness to play their become) indispensable in the define joint projects tackling
part in the global aviation concert. aviation business. key aviation challenges and
As of today, European aviation is aiming at outstanding excellence
a confident and strong leader. Yet, the industry cycle is quite rating. Funding of such trans-
long: aircrafts are built to last national projects will be achieved
Public authorities must be more than twenty years, technical through various channels like
aware of a second cloud in this and safety certifications are Horizon 2020, Clean Sky 2 or the
seemingly bright sky: while extremely demanding, airport coordination of regional R&D
aircraft manufacturers are able to infrastructures have such an funding schemes, which would
sell and organize the production impact on territorial management form an innovative ERA-NET and
from Europe, they are facing and are so expensive that the attract additional private funding.
growing requests to increase decision-making process takes up
the share of client countries in an impressive amount of time. The CARE partners also organize
the supply chain and assembly events to invite more stakeholders
lines. They are also encouraged WHICH SME IS READY to join the CARE initiative, in
to do so to better balance costs TO INVEST NOW WITH A particular European aerospace
and mitigate potential difficulties, PROSPECT OF RETURN IN THE clusters and international partners
including currency issues. Such LONG TERM ONLY? with which collaborative projects
a situation puts a heavy pressure and business opportunities will be
on the European supply chain It is in the interest of the Regions sought and global visibility ensured.
composed mainly of SMEs to support the SMEs’ engagement
scattered in many European in innovation for the future, the CARE is the foundation of a
regions. In these companies guarantee for local employment. European meta-cluster for Green
lies the European employment As for the airports and multi- Aviation. ●
for highly skilled workers, who modality, the Regions are directly
will, in turn, be in competition impacted, economically and Know more about the CARE project and events
with workers of countries socially, by the improvement of through
rapidly ramping-up their human the performance of the expensive
and technical capacities. The transport infrastructures they Get to know TIGERs, topics and people in
competition risk is therefore usually co-finance. advance through the Linked-In platform:
unequally shared between larger
groups, able to invest and be SOLUTIONS PROPOSED BY THE
present in many countries while CARE PROJECT For more details and opportunities for
controlling operations from their As one of the first results of the collaboration, please send an e-mail to
European headquarters, and the CARE project, a Joint Action Plan phone
numerous SMEs of our European has been built to engage clusters +33 (0)561 145835
aviation industry rooted in their into more targeted cooperation
regions. in favor of their industry and This project has received funding from
research members. the European Union’s Seventh Framework
WHY REGIONS HAVE INTEREST Programme for research, technological
IN INVESTING IN THE Addressing 13 priorities, a development and
RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Common Research Agenda, demonstration under
The “scary scenario”, with aviation providing SMEs with a clear grant agreement
industry growing globally but view of innovation avenues n°286560
decreasing in Europe, is therefore and local governments with
not impossible. This is why appropriate data for smart
companies of the aeronautics specialization strategies, is
supply chain, and in particular the basis of the TIGER works
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