Page 48 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2017 publication
P. 48

48  Spring 2017 European Energy Innovation


Energy from waste:
looking ahead to the future

By Dr Stuart Wagland (pictured), Lecturer in Renewable Energy from Waste, Cranfield University

Waste management                           mind-set to one of recovering value     to move away from our reliance on
                     in the UK and across  from our waste streams. Thus viewing    landfill, and the associated costs of
                     Europe has changed    such materials as ‘resources’. There    landfill disposal increasing significantly
                     considerably over     has been a considerable uptake in       in recent years. Landfill disposal across
the past 20 years as we have moved         thermal treatment technologies (i.e.    Europe overall has decreased sharply
from a predominantly ‘disposal’            combustion), partially due to the need  as recycling practices have advanced

A Cranfield University team undertaking sampling

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