Page 52 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2016 publication
P. 52

52  Spring 2016 European Energy Innovation


Smarter Cities thanks to Smart Street Lighting!

Smart Street Lighting is the natural entry point for Smart Cities hardware infrastructures!

Smart Street Lighting control                                                        Lamp power (W)
            is based on deploying
            intercommunicating sensors                                                          Pcar
            along the streets to adapt,
in real-time, lighting levels to traffic   Behind                                       Pwalk                              Ahead
density and type of users (cars, cyclists                                                             Distance from user (m)
and pedestrians). Without sacrificing                                                Pmin
security or visual comfort, Smart
Street Lighting control contributes to                                                     0
minimize electrical energy consumption
and light pollution.

This is exactly the SmartNodes™
( design
philosophy: each street user receives a
light bubble that moves with him!

The best results, in terms of service      electrical energy consumption statistics,           parameters needed for Smart Cities
performance, are obtained by               monitoring of the driver and the LEDs,              administration. The first applications
dedicating to each luminary a control      etc.). Moreover, it gives you real-time             are aimed at: management of parking
module (sensors, communication with        access to traffic information, sampled              lots by detection of free spaces,
neighbor modules and local computing       under each luminary!                                optimization of waste collection
power). This confers maximal response                                                          by remote monitoring of garbage
speed, system robustness and ease          It is already a good entry point for the            cans filling level, street sound level
of extension. The lighted zones are        management of mobility, a pillar of                 monitoring, atmospheric pollution
stand-alone, but nevertheless, thanks      Smart Cities, opening the way to many               monitoring, road icing conditions, etc.
to appropriate gateways, they are able     applications by controlling, in the most
to communicate with the outside world,     secure (and user friendly) way, traffic             In addition to their lighting function,
allowing tele-control, tele-monitoring     lights, pedestrian crossings, traffic and           Smart Street Lighting networks are
and embedded software upgrades.            warning signs. All the information                  the natural candidates to gather and
                                           needed is available through the sensors             transfer information, measured in the
With that approach, Smart Street           of street lighting.                                 streets, for Smart Cities administrations.
Lighting offers you a dedicated                                                                That exceptional versatility largely
computer network that fits precisely       SmartNodes is also introducing a range              compensates their additional cost
to the streets network. It provides a      of remote sensors, tied wirelessly to               compared to dimmed traditional
high resistance to failures (information   the SmartNodes network, with local                  solutions. l
hops over a failing module), and it is     energy harvesting, providing a fully
stand-alone but easily acccessible to      maintenance-free access to other                    More info at
the outside world.
                                           Maximal safety                             Maximal energy savings
Such an infrastructure, equipped with                                                        Strong dimming of lights
adequate sensors, is precisely what        Users always receive the                           when nobody is present
is needed to acquire the information       right amount of light
about outdoor public space and                                                                                         Telecontrol/Telemonitoring
required to manage Smart Cities.                                                                                            Individual control of light
That information may be processed                                                                                                  points when needed
by a common Control Monitoring
System (CMS), providing, whatever                                                                     Traffic lights control
the domain, an integrated access for
city administration and relieving it of a                                                               "Natural" priority of used
multiplicity of different dashboards.                                                                         lanes over idle ones

                                            Display panels control
                                            Traffic sensistive messages

By design the system gives you the                         Car crash detection
best control of street lighting (for EACH               And toggling lights to warn
luminary: real-time individual control,                 incomming users

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