Page 39 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
P. 39

Autumn 2016 European Energy Innovation  39


Hydrogen mobility
conquers the roads

By Claudia Fried, Clean Energy Partnership spokesperson, Berlin

A vision becomes reality: Europe’s largest demonstration project in the field of hydrogen
mobility, the Clean Energy Partnership (CEP), has further successes to report: in 2016,
thanks to new models and a new car-sharing project, more hydrogen fuel cell vehicles than
ever are on the road. The expansion of the H2 infrastructure by the partners also continues to
progress under the project’s new chairman Thomas Bystry.

After Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart and                        renowned expert in the field of hydrogen technology
               Munich, more metropolitan areas will         and is regarded as a staunch advocate and
               be opened up and connecting axes             ambassador: “Hydrogen is the fuel of the future: very
               built. In a first stage, Germany’s first 50  application- and customer-friendly in the mobility
hydrogen filling stations are being built as part of        sector, and a very low-emission fuel,” said Bystry.
the CEP. H2 filling stations recently opened in the
south of the country in Ulm and Metzingen. In North         Thanks to extensive research and development work
Rhine-Westphalia, the network was expanded with             and the high level of expertise within the partnership,
a station in Wuppertal where largely standardised           the CEP has evolved from a demonstration project
space-saving storage, compression and fuelling              into a respected authority on the subject of fuel
components were installed, which can be flexibly            cells. Its expertise is also highly acclaimed in the
inserted in a basic filling station layout. This is a huge  international arena. In order to further their shared
step forward that allows for investing in hydrogen          goal, the Clean Energy Partnership is in constant
pumps at smaller sites as well.                             exchange with European Union-funded projects
                                                            such as H2ME, HyFive and New IG and in May,
In spring 2017, Honda is expected to launch a new           for instance, reported on hydrogen mobility’s
fuel-cell series model in Germany. The new 5-seater         potential for reducing CO2 emissions to the UN
Clarity Fuel Cell is the Japanese car manufacturer’s        Climate Change Conference in Bonn. Hydrogen can
second hydrogen- and fuel-cell-powered sedan.               contribute significantly to the decarbonisation of the
Its competitor Daimler has also announced a new             transport sector. l
H2 series model in 2017: the new SUV GLC F-CELL,
which has a battery that can be recharged by means            20 industry partners, technology, oil and energy companies and
of a plug. This gives it an additional range of 50 km         most of the world’s largest car manufacturers, as well as leading
beyond that of the fuel-cell stack. In Munich, the            public transport operators are currently working under the umbrella
CEP partners Linde and Hyundai are launching the              of the Clean Energy Partnership (CEP) to establish hydrogen as a fuel.
world’s first car-sharing project with fuel-cell cars.        The CEP was established under the auspices of the German Ministry
“BeeZero” uses 50 Hyundai ix 35 Fuel Cell cars.               of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI). It is coordinated by
                                                              the National Organisation for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology
Since the beginning of the year, the Clean Energy             (NOW) and funded by the National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
Partnership has had a new chairman: Thomas Bystry             Technology Innovation Programme (NIP). The partnership focuses
from the Shell Hydrogen team succeeded Patrick                on the continuous operation of efficient hydrogen vehicles, quick
Schnell of Total in this voluntary position. Bystry has       and safe refuelling, and the sustainable production of hydrogen.
participated in several CEP working groups, is a                   
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