Page 45 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2015 publication
P. 45
Winter 2015 European Energy Innovation 45


• predictive analytics based on network management; adoption and implementation
sensor data, enabling smarter • data-enabled transactions of data protection regulation.
asset management with a Non-personal data and
fully digital allocation of spare among DSOs, aggregators anonymised and/or aggregated
parts, work, and logistics; supplier, aggregator and personal data should not be
consumers; subject to any restrictions
• long-term system planning • standardised and secure regarding its management.
and integration with other data exchange to support
(regional) grids; market communications (e.g., Digitally-oriented revisions to
supplier switching, meter Third Energy Package
• data-enabling asset data exchange, billing data DSOs should be consulted if the
maintenance, management exchange, nominations); European Commission intends
and replacement; • provision of anonymised and/ to revise the minimal functional
or aggregated data to public requirements for smart meters or
• storage management, administrations and market to mandate their functionality.
parties – as mandated by
HQDEOLQJHIƓFLHQWORDG regulation or motivated by As DSOs are already regulated
balancing, shifting of demand market facilitation. and neutral parties, they should
and improved supply remain responsible for collecting,
reliability; REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT storing and managing consumer
• hardware-in-the-loop testing, ENABLING DIGITAL DSOS
including complex simulation The current EU and national GDWDWRHQVXUHDVHFXUHHIƓFLHQW
and hardware testing; regulation which rule a DSO’s and transparent framework for
business, however, do not data exchange for market parties.
Digitalisation in network always give the right incentives
operations and provide the necessary DSO should be allowed to
• data-enabled forecasting predictability for network establish shared data exchange
operators and other potential infrastructures for storing and
for renewables, loads and investors for smart grids. EDSO exploiting smart metering data,
for Smart Grids thus will be active without the appointment of a
ŴH[LELOLW\ third-party manager.
• fast transactions allowing LQLQŴXHQFLQJWKHSROLF\DJHQGD
in 2016 and beyond. Some of our CONCLUSION
close-to-real-time intra-day policy proposals include: Leading DSOs are preparing to
market closure for better exploit the digital technologies
integration of variable Digital Single Market and data solutions associated
renewables in the wholesale Any reform of the “Telecoms with these trends to improve
market; Regulatory Framework” should their business performance and
• digital support for grid maintain the ‘virtuous circle’ of customer service. In doing so,
operations, allowing very fast regulatory-enabled competition they will become active players
response, and/or allowing in traditional and next-generation the EU’s Digital Single Market. O
very thorough analysis of networks.
contingencies and their
consequences; Adopting EU-level, pro- Contact details:
• GLJLWDOVXSSRUWIRUƓHOG competitive spectrum policies Victoria Gerus
technicians, allowing access will result in the rationalisation
to information, procedures, and modernisation of spectrum &RPPXQLFDWLRQV 3URMHFW2IƓFHU
reporting back, etc.; management and help reduce
• digital business processes, spectrum scarcity. European Distribution System Operators
replacing manual transactions (EDSO) for Smart Grids
in procurement, inventory Responsible for security of supply Rue de la Science 14b
management, invoicing, and in their area of service, DSOs need 1040 Brussels
payment processing; a reliable communications system Belgium
to control their network. For Phone: +32(2)880.3714
Digitalisation in distributed that purpose, access to dedicated Mobile: +32(474)07.18.48
resources bandwidthatcost-orientedpricesis Email:
• meter-point operations needed. Web:

to digitally connect to the There should be the timely
consumer and enable value-
adding services;
• collaboration with prosumer,
consumers who produce
their own energy, to reduce
consumption and optimise
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