Page 39 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2015 publication
P. 39
Winter 2015 European Energy Innovation 39


Programme’s “District Energy addressing heating and cooling Smart cities are those cities taking
in Cities” report, an initiative a holistic approach to their energy
under the “Sustainable Energy LQFLWLHVWKURXJKHQHUJ\HIƓFLHQF\ management. The key word is
improvements and integration of integration. Integration of energy
IRU$OOŐ*OREDO(QHUJ\(IƓFLHQF\ renewable energy sources. infrastructures and city planning.
Accelerator Platform, actively Integration of processes, concepts
promoted by Euroheat & Power. Euroheat & Power and its and technologies. Integration of
When surveying low-carbon cities members also work together all aspects of energy demand
worldwide to identify the key with various European and and supply. Whenever we speak
factors underlying their success international organisations about integration and connecting
promoting smart and resilient all pieces of the sustainable
LQVFDOLQJXSHQHUJ\HIƓFLHQF\ cities, such as EnergyCities energy puzzle, we speak about
and renewable energy, district (European Association of local district energy. A smart city is a
energy systems emerged as authorities in energy transition) district energy city. O
a best practice approach for or ICLEI (Local Governments
providing a local, affordable for Sustainability, a network of Contact details:
and sustainable energy supply, over 1,000 cities, towns and
metropolises committed to
LPSURYHHQHUJ\HIƓFLHQF\DQG building a sustainable future), @EuroheatPower
support energy access efforts. The which recognise and promote
report provides concrete policy, district energy.

practice recommendations on
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