Page 38 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2015 publication
P. 38
Winter 2015 European Energy Innovation


A smart city is a district energy city

By Dana Popp, External Relations and Communications Manager, Euroheat & Power (pictured)

Cities represent more of the city. Such networks must to overcome technical, social,
than 70 percent of therefore play an important part
global energy demand in the urban energy system and ƓQDQFLDODQGSROLWLFDOEDUULHUV
and account for half act as key smart city component.
of greenhouse gas emissions to district heating and cooling
worldwide. The only way forward Smart thermal grids can ensure solutions. It demonstrates and
is a smart integrated approach a reliable and affordable heating promotes the capture and
built on the synergies of the and cooling supply to various utilisation of waste heat that is
most important sectors involved customers of low carbon and generated within cities every day
(electricity production, heating renewable energy using waste and that is otherwise lost to the
and cooling, transport) and aimed heat (particularly from industry), atmosphere. One of the aims of
at substantially increasing energy waste-to-energy, solar thermal, Step Up (www.stepupsmartcities.
biomass and geothermal eu) is to create a model for energy
HIƓFLHQF\DQGDWWKHVDPHWLPH energy. To make this possible planning that will deliver faster
in a smart city context, district and greater impact, contributing
supplying sustainable energy. A to meeting Europe’s 2020 energy
smart city approach must take HQHUJ\QHWZRUNVDUHŴH[LEOHLQ and climate change targets, with
into account the whole energy different energy demand and district heating being one of the
transformation chain (demand, supply situations, quickly adapt main energy planning pillars.
supply, distribution, storage) temperature levels to decreasing
and the interactions with urban heat demand as well as align to 6PDUW5H)OH[ZZZVPDUWUHŴH[
planning, mobility, water, waste, overall urban planning.
socio-economic conditions and eu) project aims at increasing the
quality of life. Today’s innovative thermal
networks are intelligently planned GLIIXVLRQRIVPDUWDQGŴH[LEOH
The construction and expansion and operated, counting on (smart)
of smart district energy networks metering and control. Their district heating and cooling
(combining district heating integration with the whole urban systems, with high shares of
and district cooling, integrating energy system (in terms of urban renewable energy sources, in
and balancing a large share planning but also the interaction European cities. GrowSmarter
of variable renewable power, with other urban networks such ( brings
serving as thermal storage) is as electricity, sewage, waste, together cities and industry to
a key prerequisite for the large ICT) plays a key role. Moreover, integrate and demonstrate ‘12
scale utilisation of low-carbon and smart district energy networks are smart city solutions’ in energy,
renewable energy at the heart designed to achieve the highest infrastructure and transport, to
provide other cities with valuable
RYHUDOOHIƓFLHQF\E\FKRRVLQJ insights on how they work in
the optimal combination of practice and opportunities
technologies and enabling the for replication – coming as no
exploitation of available local surprise, one of the key solutions
energy resources. of integrated infrastructures
covered by the project is district
The crucial place for district heating, based on waste heat
energy networks in smart cities recovery. SINFONIA (www.
has already been acknowledged aims to
at European and international deploy large-scale, integrated
level. A large number of EU and scalable energy solutions
funded projects deal with in mid-sized European cities
the subject from different – this will be done through an
perspectives. To name but a few: integrated set of measures

eu) takes a holistic approach
optimisation of the electricity grid,
and solutions for district heating
and cooling.

At international level, 2015 saw
the launch of the UN Environment
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