Page 3 - European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication
P. 3

Spring 2018 European Energy Innovation      3



8 Biofuels and the Renewable Energy         41 Finland is well on its way towards
     Directive                                   carbon neutrality
     Sean Kelly, MEP                             Henna Virkkunen, MEP, Finland

12 The Rooftop Potential for PV Systems     44 Research needs to tackle road               8
     in the European Union to deliver the        transport decarbonisation                 18
     Paris Agreement                             Josef Affenzeller, EGVIA Secretary        32
     Thomas Huld, Katalin Bodis, Irene           General                                   48
     Pinedo Pascua, Ewan Dunlop,                                                           50
     Nigel Taylor, Arnulf Jäger-Waldau,     48 Five trends for the power sector in
     European Commission, Joint                  2018
     Research Centre                             Kristian Ruby, Secretary General,
18 The way to promote innovation in
     biofuels                               50 Hydrogen, and Renewables do it!
     Emmanuel Desplechin                         Michael Weber and Thomas
                                                 Kattenstein, EnergieAgentur.NRW,
22 Energy Storage: Many Technologies             North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
     for a Competitive European Storage
     Industry                               52 Pineapples, standards and monkeys
     Brittney Elzarei, EASE Policy Officer       – where do we stand with electric
                                                 vehicles and where are we heading?
26 Solar and Storage – a match made in           Thomas Willson, Policy Offices,
     clean energy heaven                         ECOS
     Thomas Döring, Senior Policy
     Analyst, SolarPower Europe             56 Shipping as responsible sector
                                                 contributing to a sustainable society
28 European PV Storage Insights –                Martin Dorsman, Secretary General
     how do European PV installers rate          of ECSA, European Community
     storage subsidy schemes?                    Shipowners’ Association
     Saif Islam, EuPD Research
                                            58 Reducing Shipping’s Emissions
32 Finland scaling up the success of             Simon Bennett, Deputy Secretary
     Energy Innovations and PPP on the           General, International Chamber of
     road towards Carbon neutral society         Shipping
     Kimmo Tiilikainen, Minister of the
     Environment, Energy and Housing of     60 Why Blockchain is a high potential
     Finland                                     Game Changer in Utility
                                                 Mirko Ross
34 Bio-economy – a tool to deliver
     ambitious climate policy               64 5G – the new era for mobile
     Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, MEP                 communications
                                                 Nina Kajander, JRC Prtess Officer
38 Consumption of renewable energy
     at all-time high in 2016
     Pekka Ripatti, Director, Energy
     Authority, Finland
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