Page 9 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2015 publication
P. 9
Winter 2015 European Energy Innovation 9


climate ambitions and energy that can be exported. New us. The Paris Agreement would
policy even more. A more technologies will make it possible solve this with a periodic
ambitious European policy must to permanently end the carbon strengthening of national efforts.
ensure that the enormous pool era. Not because we would run Whether this will work is still
of underutilised talents and the out of coal, natural gas or oil, but questionable. Our Westphalian
enourmous surplus in savings can because there are cleaner and nation-state system, which
shape a new economy in a wave cheaper alternatives. After all, the acknowledges the nation state as
of innovative and sustainable Stone Age did not end because the highest sovereign authority,
humans ran out of stones. is tested to its limits. If national
LQYHVWPHQWVZKLFKZLOOƓQDOO\HQG realpolitik – with its freebooting
our coal-, gas- and oil addiction. TOWARDS A “TRAGEDY OF THE tendencies – continues to force
ATMOSPHERIC COMMONS”? us into a global “tragedy of the
Investing in research and A hearing in the European atmospheric commons”, we can
development, renewable energy Parliament with UN climate chief only conclude that the system is
Christiana Figueres showed that bankrupt. That leaves us with only
DQGHQHUJ\HIƓFLHQF\UDWKHUWKDQ the current pledges committed one institutional revolution of
spending money on the imports to will lead to a temperature “biosphere politics” based on the
rise of 3° C, which is still far sovereignty of the earth. It’s time
RIIRVVLOIXHOVZLOOQRWRQO\EHQHƓW from the 2° C science is asking to wake up. Paris s’éveille. O
trade, climate and air quality.
It will create additional jobs
and develop new technologies
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