Page 12 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2019 publication
P. 12

12 Summer 2019 European Energy Innovation

The e-mobility revolution

By Anna Lisa Boni (pictured), Secretary General, EUROCITIES  E-mobility is set to herald a
                                                                          small revolution in our cities.
                                                                          From ride sharing apps, to
                                                                          publicly accessible e-bikes
                                                               and scooters, and increasingly
                                                               electrified public transport options,
                                                               e-mobility is becoming ever more
                                                               evident in our daily lives. However,
                                                               this leads to many challenges, as
                                                               well as opportunities. With a wide
                                                               variety of players in the urban
                                                               mobility scene, it’s more important
                                                               than ever to ensure that mobility is
                                                               part of a broader, sustainable, smart
                                                               city strategy, and that’s where city
                                                               authorities are able to act.

                                                               Local mobility plans
                                                               The humble bicycle has undergone
                                                               a facelift in recent years, and Milan
                                                               is one of several cities leading the
                                                               charge for e-bikes. Electric bikes
                                                               give cities the opportunity to tackle
                                                               common challenges, such as air
                                                               pollution and promote more active
                                                               lifestyles, while redesigning their
                                                               mobility model.

                                                               Sharing Cities, an EU funded project
                                                               which brings together ‘lighthouse’
                                                               and ‘fellow’ cities, and in which
                                                               EUROCITIES plays a main part, has
                                                               helped Milan in these endeavours.
                                                               Thanks to the project, Milan has
                                                               installed 7 bike sharing stations and
                                                               150 e-bikes with child seats have
                                                               been made available.

                                                               Of course, one of the linchpins of the
                                                               e-mobility revolution is the focus by
                                                               city administrations on developing
                                                               sustainable urban mobility plans. That
                                                               is to say, understanding the wider
                                                               urban mobility ecosystem. A move
                                                               towards e-mobility often comes
                                                               hand in hand with more connectivity,
                                                               digitalisation and automation of
                                                               transport services. Together these
                                                               emerging mobility trends directly
                                                               impact how cities design urban areas.

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