Page 3 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2019 publication
P. 3

Contents  Winter 2019 European Energy Innovation                                 3


8 The future of industry, ‘Industry Decarbonisation – investing in industry of   20
     the future’                                                                 24
     Wilhelm Molterer, Managing Director of the European Fund for Strategic      32
     Investments (EFSI)                                                          54

12 Supporting European cities towards a clean and smart urban mobility
     Dirk Beckers, Executive Director of the Innovation and Networks
     Executive Agency (INEA)

16 A new energy forecast shows the danger of inaction as well as a pathway to
     Mark Radka, Chief, Energy and Climate Branch, United Nations
     Environment Programme

20	 Product	policy	efficiency	is	a	good	deal
     Maria Carvalho, MEP

24 Training the next generation – from 3 to 30
     Christiane Egger & Megan Gignac,
     OÖ Energiesparverband, Upper Austria

28 Green-energy landscapes – solution to a dilemma
     Professor Michael Roth, School of Landscape Architecture,
     Environmental and Urban Planning, Nürtingen-Geislingen University,

32 Sector coupling: interconnecting electricity and gas for a successful energy
     Cyril Harry, Chair Gas-to-Power, Eurelectric

36 European cities gain recognition and fresh support for tackling urban
     mobility challenges
     Richard Adams and Adrienne Kotler – ICLEI Europe

38 10 years of ENTSOG
     Jan Ingwersen, General Director, ENTSOG

44 Green Deal should be about people, not only about climate
     Marian-Jean Marinescu, MEP

46	 Electric	flight	for	a	more	sustainable	aviation
     Andreas Strohmayer, Professor for Aircraft Design at University
     of Stuttgart

48 Giving wings to renewable energies
     Dr Martin Cames, Research Fellow, Energy and Climate Protection
     Division, Öko-Institut

50 Research for a greener aviation
     French Aerospace Lab, ONERA

54 Too ambitious for EU? It’s high time to modernize heating systems in our
     buildings. My not-so-veiled tips to Mr Timmermans
     Federica Sabbati, Secretary General, European Heating Industry

56 Europe European cities gain recognition and fresh support for tackling
     urban mobility challenges
     Richard Adams and Adrienne Kotler – ICLEI
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