Page 25 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2015 publication
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Winter 2015 European Energy Innovation 25


be progressive, and it can be used by affordable by H2020 and the French Investissements d’Avenir
vehicles: this would be a major boost to H2 programmes. The wider commercialisation starts in
adoption! 2017 in france and 2018-2020 for the rest of Europe,
China and Northa America. O
Attaching the Tender to the car is achieved easily
in one go, and the Tender will not knife jack when Contact details:
backing. This this video ( EP Tender
watch?v=UnN4khtqa-U, or QR code link below) will
give a good introductory view of the functioning.

and Rouen, with 50 vehicles and 5 Tenders. The
Tenders will be available for on demand rental. Our
launch clients are ERDF, the city of Rouen, as well as
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