Page 19 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
P. 19

Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation    19

                                          NETHERLANDS PRESIDENCY

• forward-looking policy on climate       A high level meeting in February           to the ministerial EU Urban Agenda
    and energy                            addressed the next steps towards The       conference and the Amsterdam Pact.
                                          Energy Union, which include regional       Other events have included the SBE16
These policy areas are linked, perhaps    co-operation to improve energy             Utrecht conference, which focused
inextricably so; there has nevertheless   security and cooperative governance        on NET-Zero building refurbishment
been too much activity to review even     on wind energy in the North Sea.           and a RURI (Route to Rural Innovation)
that specific to Energy and Innovation.   Energy Ministers also discussed the        event for municipal managers, policy
Arguably, highlights have included the    smooth integration of renewable            makers and researchers interested
Open Innovation 2.0 Conference, which     energy into a more flexible electricity    research and innovation in urban areas.
discussed European Innovation Living      market. Transport Ministers met to         The European Innovation Partnership
labs and Innovation Ecosystems, as well   discuss Smart mobility, Green mobility     on Smart Cities and Communities is
as funding opportunities under Horizon    and Innovating for the future, and then,   scheduled to host an event continuing
2020 and online Engagement Platforms      jointly with Environment Ministers,        the rollout of smart city solutions that
such as Big Data.                         sustainable transport solutions, a follow  integrate technologies from energy,
                                          up to COP21, and global solutions for      transport, and ICT.
Among big initiatives to receive          Aviation and Shipping.
attention, the Single European Sky was                                               The proverb at the beginning of this
deemed by the European Aviation           Europe is a highly urbanised continent,    article may loosely be rendered as
Summit to be “an essential component      and the EU Urban Agenda has naturally      “He who chases two hares will catch
for strengthening the competitiveness     figured prominently. Organised events      neither”. The Dutch are rightly proud of
of the entire European aviation sector”.  have included a New Europe City            a reputation for plain speaking: it would
A key message was agreement on            Makers meeting in February, the 2016       seem that during the last six tumultuous
the need for a joint European aviation    Cities of the Future and an international  months, addressing new issues has
strategy; while drones and big data       innovation conference in Amsterdam,        not been at the expense of neglecting
were recognised as major new              both in April; a COTR meeting and          existing ones. The Presidency of the EU
technological developments.               City Maker’s Summit in May, leading        has been in safe hands. l
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