Page 38 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2015 publication
P. 38
Summer 2015 European Energy Innovation


The NanoCaTe Project: Project Coordinator

Dissemination and Exploitation Manager

Nano-carbons for versatile power supply modules

BACKGROUND: manufacturing techniques
In developed countries, about like printing for thermoelectric
40% of the fuel consumption harvesting and storage.
is used for heating. Of this,
about one-third is wasted due 4. Simulation and modelling of
to insufficient transformation nanocarbon filled materials
technologies into electricity. and TEGs.
Waste heat is one of the biggest
industrial losses which can be 5. Systematic and standardized with increased lifetime produced Figure 1. First
used by exploiting the Seebeck characterization and by cost-efficient technologies and printed flexible
effect enabling special materials evaluation of nanocarbon therefore contributing to a further TEG (Thermo
to generate electrical energy enhanced TE and storage promotion of cleaner energy Electric
if exposed to a temperature materials. technologies. Aiming on energy Generators)
gradient, like from waste heat for harvesting & storage materials based on PEDOT:
example. 6. Demonstration: for innovative applications, the PSS and a
• autonomous, maintenance-free NanoCaTe project will seek n-type polymer
PROJECT OVERVIEW: to establish an internationally synthesized in the
NanoCaTe, a project co-financed smart sensor demonstrator NanoCaTe project
by the European Commission, is with energy harvester, storage
focused on innovative flexible unit, wireless communication, leading position for Europe for
thermoelectric materials, energy management, and
based on standard and modified sensor interface. this integrated energy harvesters
nanocarbon materials like • demonstration of a broad
graphene or carbon nanotubes. range of exploitable results: technology. l
Twelve partners from Austria, separate secondary battery,
Denmark, Finland, Germany, TEGs, inks or pastes. Partners:
and Spain develop materials
for thermoelectric energy POTENTIAL AREAS AND
harvesting and energy storage MARKETS OF APPLICATION:
for manifold applications like With the combination of
pulsed sensors or mobile improved and more efficient
electronic devices. harvester/storage materials
and low cost processing
The integration of the developed techniques NanoCaTe offers a
materials into harvester and high commercial potential with
storage devices is a further step broad application areas and good
to characterize the performance product exploitability.
of the innovative materials. • Healthcare, Home- and Point-
Finally, a demonstrator of-Care Monitoring
consisting of harvester, storage • Automotive & Aeronautic Contact details:
and energy management Project Coordinator:
represents a self-sustaining, system health monitoring Dr. Aljoscha Roch
universally usable, and • Chip thermal management Phone: +49 351 83391- 3415
maintenance-free power supply. • Stand-alone TEG application e-mail:
• Spacecraft application Website:
PROJECT TARGETS: • Waste heat recovery systems
1. Development of
in vehicles
thermoelectric materials. • Wireless sensor network

2. Development of energy adoption
storage materials. • Consumer applications
• Military and Aerospace
3. Use of up-scalable
and miniaturization IMPACT:
The project strengthens the
position of Europe in the field
of thermoelectric and storage
materials by developing devices
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