Page 26 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2015 publication
P. 26
Spring 2015 European Energy Innovation


Efficient insulation in industry ready to
deliver the missing 1% to EU targets

Energy efficient insulation generic and very often outdated that Europe can be vulnerable
solutions are ready to maximum heat loss rates allowed. to external energy shocks. As a
contribute to tap the Cost-effective and energy- matter of fact, the EU has further
existing energy and cost efficient insulation solutions are strengthened its commitment
savings potential in the European still — and regrettably too often — after the crisis in Ukraine and its —
industry delivering almost the not taken into consideration in the let us call it — difficult relationship
entire missing 1% to the energy planning and building process of with Russia to push energy
efficiency target for 2020 (620 an industrial plant. efficiency as the “first fuel”, and it
PJ = insulation potential / 772 is currently developing the Energy
PJ = EU 1% target). However, Unfortunately, if focused Union concept to coordinate
if these economic insulation exclusively on energy, this will energy imports into the EU,
potentials remain untapped and probably never change, but making Europe the biggest and
Member States don’t increase what has potential to become a most powerful energy client in the
their energy efficiency ambitions driver is the aspect of the cost- world.
in general, DG Energy predicts effectiveness of the investments
that the European Union (EU) will in insulation offering rapid Already last year and in
end up by 2020 with an energy payback times to the investors. this context, the European
consumption reduction of only At the relevant political levels, Commission hosted a high-level
18-19% compared to 1990 levels this benefit seems to be already conference on Energy Security in
and therefore fail to reach its self- well known as the Commissioner Brussels on 21 May 2014, in which
set target of 20%. for Climate Action and Energy, representatives from Member
Miguel Arias Cañete, has recently States, non-EU governments and
Although it is true that the EU is pointed out in his speech at the other stakeholders discussed
nowadays committed to secure Energy Union Conference in ways to cut down the EU’s
the supply of energy and ensure Riga on 6 February 2015 that dependence on energy. Their
that energy prices remain stable, “investments in insulation are aim was to exchange knowledge
much more still needs to be done, amongst the most profitable for on how to set up a competitive
especially in the EU industrial citizens and industry today”. and secure energy system that
sectors. European industrial ensures affordable energy for all
facilities are wasting energy, Besides the economic and consumers, increases the security
losing money and emitting tonnes the energy efficiency aspects, of the EU’s energy supplies,
of avoidable CO2 emissions every there is another important reduces our dependence on
minute of operation due to the reason why insulation energy energy imports and creates new
fact that, for example, thermal savings potentials should be opportunities for growth and jobs.
insulation in industry is poorly immediately tapped. The EU is
maintained and that special highly dependent on energy At this conference, the European
parts like valves and flanges from abroad, importing 53% of Industrial Insulation Foundation
very often remain completely all the energy it consumes at a (EiiF) presented that industrial
uninsulated leading to excessive cost of more than one billion insulation could reduce Europe’s
heat losses. Likewise, the level euros per day. The majority of dependency for example on
of insulation applied is typically the energy imports into the EU Russian gas imports by 9-12.5%
based on minimum requirements come from Arab or former Soviet (100% = 4932 PJ/1370 TWh).
regarding the maximum surface countries, many of which are not This was taken into account in
temperature that equipment considered to be democracies the Communication from the
is allowed to reach to avoid but authoritarian regimes. This Commission to the European
personal injuries or based on and the figures as such mean Parliament and the Council on 28
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