Page 25 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2015 publication
P. 25
Spring 2015 European Energy Innovation 25



By María Pérez Ortega, Giuliani Giovanni and Hermann de Meer

DC4Cities is an EU obtained energy efficiency of DCs the data center energy aware
funded research to develop accurate measurement subsystem.
project that aims concepts and evaluation
at better integrating data centers processes. Furthermore, metrics The DC4Cities architecture
(DCs) into future smart cities. are used to better capture the can be applied to any data
Data centers are needed in smart relation of the amount of services center type and, since it is
cities to provide a high quality delivered by the data center with focused on data center software
of IT-services to citizens while at respect to consumed energy. and operations, no logistic
the same time they should run in Data center optimization policies modification in the data center
an eco-friendly manner. To this are focused on a) efficient usage is required.
end, the flexibility in data center of IT equipment, ensuring that
power demand is used to shift workload is concentrated on the Three trials have been built
non time-critical jobs in such a minimal amount of hardware, up in Barcelona (Spain), Milan
way that a maximum of renewable b) scheduling policies which (Italy) and Trento (Italy), with
energy can be used for the manage workload activities so energy suppliers using different
process. To enhance this potential that IT equipment load is adapted renewable energy sources (e.g.
for adaptability, a unified to the energy constraints (based wind, solar and water renewable
management of computational on given power plans) and c) power supply) and the data
workload and characterization software applications which have center supporting different kinds
of available energy is employed. the chance to directly become of application workloads. The
Adaptiveness of data centers is power adaptive, and internally trial sites employ the developed
used in two ways: reorganize their behavior to energy optimizing/aware/
also match energy constraints. adaptive workload management
• Act: Adapting power Additionally, the architecture techniques in specific real life
consumption to the availability has three types of actors: scenarios. The preliminary results
of renewable energy Energy providers/controllers, show a significant improvement
the DC4Cities data centers and compared to the baseline
• React: Adapting to requests measurements when using an
received from Smart City optimized power plan and the
Energy Management Authority concept of workload shifting.
The first trial results confirm
To achieve these goals, intelligent the expectations regarding
usage of electrical power is values of increase in renewable
essential in order to maintain energy share, the provision and
the quality of IT-Services in smart adherence to policies by smart
cities. New metrics are used city stakeholders and improved
to quantify the required and quantification processes via the
developed metrics. l

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