Page 15 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2015 publication
P. 15
Spring 2015 European Energy Innovation 15


Increased profit and competiveness and
decreased carbon footprint in industry
through better understanding of powder
processing operations

Combining powder important challenges in
technology, process industry, with a high potential
analytical technology for improved performance
and multivariate and reduced carbon footprint.
statistics presents novel The challenges are often
opportunities for improving very complex and should be
energy efficiency and reducing approached with a multivariate
production costs by optimization way of thinking combined with
of process design and first time- knowledge in process analytical
right production. technology and soft sensors
(Smart Manufacturing). This
Powder/particulate materials is essential in order to really
processing technologies are understand and control the most
required across all sectors of important product quality and
the process industry and are process parameters resulting in
characteristically high in energy robust operational excellence.
demand. Processing operations
such as mixing, filtering, Tel-Tek is a Norwegian industrial
agglomeration, surface coating, research institute with focus
dosing, milling, wear protection, on energy efficient processes
classification, corrosion, scaling and low emissions. We conduct
and erosion, transport and projects for and in collaboration
storage, all have potential for with industry and public
improved energy efficiency, enterprises.
increased profit and reduced
carbon footprint. Such processing In addition to highly skilled and
operations are critical with respect experienced researchers within
to quality of products as well as powder technology and smart
erosion of equipment. manufacturing, our powder
technology research facilities
Intensification of powder include a wide variety of analytical
processing technologies are instrumentation and pilot
therefore one of the most equipment of various scales. l

For more information:
Teknologisenteret, Kjølnes Ring 30, 3918 Porsgrunn, Norway
Tel: +47 900 58 465
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