Page 13 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2017 publication
P. 13

Autumn 2017 European Energy Innovation       13

                                                        ELECTRO MOBILITY

We call for the introduction of             to-Grid (V2G) technologies allow EVs         Q Who do you think will be
mandating quotas on vehicle                 to provide flexibility services to the              dominating the future market
manufacturers in order to ensure that       power system: depending on grid load         for EVs?
a proportion of their car sales is made     conditions and network operators’
up of zero-emission vehicles. Such          demand for grid services, they could         Time will tell. What I can say is that
provision would give a great boost          either modulate their charging rate. or      the European car industry is capable
to EVs early deployment, offering           even return to the network previously        of leading the transition if it focuses
both manufacturers and infrastructure       stored electricity.                          on innovation and does not shy away
providers a clear signal on the direction                                                from the challenge. Other markets,
Europe is taking.                           At the same time, an integrated              which have had ambitious low-emission
                                            approach also means to support               legislation for several years, are now
If we can be sure that electric vehicles    the development at different levels          leading, but I see positive signals that
deployment will speed up in the             (European, national and local). While        some European manufactures have
coming years, investments in charging       CO2 standards are valid at European          started to take this seriously and catch
infrastructure will also speed up.          level, the Alternative Fuels                 up. They do have the potential “to be at
                                            Infrastructure Directive obliges             the table rather than on the menu”, but
Therefore, overall, we want to see an       Member States to ensure the                  it is fully up to them to realise it. Part of
integrated approach to electro-mobility.    installation of a certain number of          it will be building winning partnerships
We see that there is huge potential in      refuelling points for alternative fuels.     with players from “adjacent sectors”
smart charging infrastructure. Careful      Last, but not least, the upcoming            such as power and ICT, a process that is
management of the charging process          revision of the Clean Vehicles               already taking place as we speak.
will not only help to optimise grid         Directive, is set to increase the public
usage, but also facilitate the integration  procurement of clean vehicles.               Our sector calls for open and
of intermittent renewable sources.                                                       competitive markets for the electricity
Obviously, the power sector holds a         It is critically important for policymakers  industry and I believe this should apply
lot of expertise that will be extremely     to realise the need to avoid the             for the automotive industry as well.
valuable in this context.                   risk of working in silos. Transport          However, a robust market framework
                                            policy making needs to increasingly          and investment security is necessary
Q Why is it important to keep an            work together with energy and                and this is why we call for strong and
       integrated approach to electro-      environmental policy making. Policy          stable CO2 emission standards for new
mobility?                                   coordination needs to rapidly evolve         cars and light duty vehicles for the
                                            in seamless policy integration. As           post-2020 period. If car manufactures
Europe has to meet several targets          mentioned earlier, cross-sectorial           can rely on such a framework, these
on decarbonisation, energy efficiency       public policy and industrial planning        standards will be progressively
and RES integration. We have to keep        will become an imperative to meet            tightened and they can be sure
this in mind and consider EVs when it       the challenges posed by the Paris            that investments in electric vehicle
comes to reaching various EU targets.       Agreement goals.                             production will pay off. l
For example, electric engine is up to
five times more energy efficient than       1) Assuming a consumption of 15kWh/100km, and a CO2 intensity of power generation in Europe of 331g
corresponding internal combustion           CO2/kWh. Power intensity based on EURELECTRIC Power Statistics, December 2016.
                                            2) European Environmental Agency (EEA): Fuel efficiency improvements of new cars in Europe slowed in
Moreover, according to Transport            2016, April 2017.
and Environment, EVs are by far more
efficient than to other alternative         3) European Commission Staff Working Document (2013), Impact Assessment – Accompanying the Clean Air
fuels vehicles, considering the well to     Programme.
wheel efficiency (i.e. 73% EVs vs 22%
Hydrogen and 13% Power to Liquid).          4) EURELECTRIC Power Statistics, December 2016.
EVs are thus an important contributor
to reaching the EU’s efficiency targets.

In addition, EVs will help us integrate
the ever-increasing generation of
renewable energy and store it in their
batteries. EVs will be enablers and
benefiters of a smarter energy system,
which is already developing. For
instance, Smart Charging and Vehicle-
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