Page 53 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
P. 53

Autumn 2016 European Energy Innovation       53


needed in order to fight popular

FRENCH ECOLOGIC BONUS/MALUS:               The responsibility of building these         CONCLUSION
Since 2008, finance Law orientates car     networks have been given to local            Electrification of transport offers a
buyers towards cleaner vehicles: the       authorities. A total budget of 50 million    unique opportunity for simultaneously
Ecologic bonus/malus system. Still         euros in subsidies is allocated to these     decarbonise transport; end
in place in 2016, this system offers       operations. Moreover, a law voted            dependence on imported oil; create
subsidies for the purchase of a clean      on the 4th of august 2014 allowed            jobs and growth; and stimulate
vehicle while financing it by taxing       private operators to install charging        industrial innovation. To do this we
polluting ones. Electric and hybrid        point network in the public space of         should, adopt a cross-modal and cross-
vehicles receive the higher bonus          a city council without having to pay a       vehicle electrification of transport and
(6300€ for EV), which is a way to          tax for occupying public space when          energy network, facilitate the transport
address the question of its expensive      this belongs to a national project. The      multimodality and a shift to more
price. This measure has had a strong       French government has chosen three           sharing sustainable, lighter and smaller
impact on the growth of the market         projects, the first led by BOLLORE           vehicles.
and is considered vital by professionals   COMPANY, the second by Compagnie
of the sector. In addition, the entering   Nationale du Rhône, and the third by         E-mobility is clearly a part of our
into force of the superbonus” on           SODETREL.                                    future. l
the 1st of April 2015 has increased
the demand on electric and hybrid          Financing private charging stations:           L’Avere-France, association
vehicles while accelerating the renewal    In addition to the development                 nationale regroupant plus de 130
of the French automotive park. Indeed,     of public charging points, France              acteurs représentatifs de la filière
it adds from 2500€ to 3700€ to the         recently decided to give subsidies for         de la mobilité électrique œuvre
bonus if destroy a diesel car registered   private ones through the certificate           depuis plus de trente ans dans ce
before 2006.                               of energy saving mechanism. Avere-             domaine. A ce titre, l’association
                                           France has been put in charge of               dispose d’une véritable expertise
French people and electric vehicles:       this 15 million euros program and              sur le secteur et ses enjeux. Notre
A predictable success, Avere-France,       will deliver subsidies in collective           rôle est de répondre aux attentes de
Mobivia group and IPSOS conducted          housing buildings (individual or shared        nos membres, de défendre la filière
a survey on the perception of electric     charging point) and in companies               et favoriser l’émergence de cette
vehicles by French people. The             charging infrastructure (fleet, salaries or    nouvelle forme de mobilité.
conclusions are relevant: 28% of French    visitors charging points). More than 12
people are ready to buy an electric        000 private charging points should be
vehicle! And it is even more when          installed
people have already tested an EV.

In order for electric vehicles to achieve
a breakthrough, expansion of charging
station infrastructure is important.

Investment on public networks:
In order to enable a real development
of electromobility in the country,
France has decided to invest in an
accessible charging point network
providing security and secondary
charging solutions to EV drivers.
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