Page 7 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2015 publication
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Autumn 2015 European Energy Innovation 7


results from the incomplete or regulatory framework, and the support for the development
gas combustion leading to the lack of harmonized standards. and deployment of LNG-related
emission of small amounts of technologies and facilities.
methane to the atmosphere. The recently adopted Directive Following the 2014 CEF call for
Engine technology is the way to 2014/94/EU on the deployment proposals, about EUR 43.5 million
address this problem. Different of alternative fuels infrastructure has been allocated to projects
engine concepts are available aims to solve the first problem promoting LNG deployment in
today for using LNG as a shipping by requiring Member States to the maritime sector. Additional
fuel. Working on gas only or in provide an appropriate number funding will be made available in
dual fuel arrangements, four- of LNG refuelling points for the CEF call to be launched in the
stroke engines have gone through maritime and inland waterway fall 2015.
serious design improvements transport in the maritime ports
to minimize methane-slip, whilst of the TEN-T Core Network by 31 Various international
in modern two-stroke engines December 2025 and in the inland organizations and relevant expert
this has already been practically ports by 31 December 2030. fora support the harmonization
eliminated during combustion. of standards and the overall
To address the next two barriers, promotion of LNG as a maritime
To minimize methane slip, the Commission launched fuel: IMO, EMSA, IACS, SIGGTO
additional specific measures at the end of 2014 the Study and SMGF just to name a few.
could be developed, like: on the completion of an EU Also the European Commission
methane emissions mitigation framework on LNG-fuelled ships has established the European
plans, optimisation of transport and its relevant fuel provision Sustainable Shipping Forum
efficiency of LNG-fuelled ships infrastructure. The results should as a cooperation platform for
and adequate design of the LNG be available in the second half of Member States and maritime
supply chain. 2015. industry stakeholders, to enable a
structural dialogue, exchange of
LNG is also expected to be less The overall aim of the study is best practices and coordination,
costly than marine gas oil (MGO). to analyse the current legal and thus providing the opportunity
Current low LNG prices in Europe procedural situation, as well as to discuss practical issues related
and the USA suggest that a price trends and obstacles for the use to sustainability of maritime
– based on energy content – of LNG as a fuel for ships in the transport. LNG is one of the main
below that of heavy fuel oil (HFO) EU. As a part of this study, an topics. It is extremely important
is possible, even when taking awareness campaign has been to develop clear directives,
into account the small-scale carried out, providing balanced while leaving some margin for
distribution of LNG. information about LNG as an adaptation to local circumstances.
alternative fuel for shipping (cf.
With the exception of Norway, The Summing-up, the main obstacles
the take-up of LNG as ship fuel website will be kept updated and to the use of LNG in maritime
in Europe is still at an early stage, enriched with new inputs. transport are being removed and
and key stakeholders typically LNG is on its way to become a
identify three main barriers: the At the same time, by means of its feasible and greener alternative
lack of adequate bunker facilities Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), to the use of fuel oils and
for LNG, the gaps in the legislative the EU is providing financial distillates for ships. l

1 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, Annex VI Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships
2 The EU White Paper - Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system /COM/2011/0144 final
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