Page 35 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2015 publication
P. 35
Autumn 2015 European Energy Innovation 35


In the field of the transportation For further information, Photos: afg, DGC, DVGW/R. Horn, Energiforsk, GE, Ingo Bartussek/Fotolia, SVGW Gas research and
of goods, natural gas is an please go to innovation for the
environmentally compatible, cost- or contact us at: future energy system
effective alternative in the form
One solution with considerable Contact details:
in shortof liquefied natural gas (LNG). poAstsoecinattioinaFlrainsçapiseoduwGeazr(-Ftraonc-eg) as
teCmcoanhrcta.npcetor:rMilnoa@rcggdPfeysru.rienTz.chome excess power DVGW Deutscher Verein des Gas- und
In 2T01h5 seix uleasdeingoEfurLopNeaGn teicnhnsichaliapndpsicniegntifiisc frowwmw.afrgeazn.frewable sources can Wasserfaches e.V.
orgaensizpatieoncsieastlalbylisshiegd na nifeitcwaornk to. fTohsteer tchearrobleon be used to produce hydrogen Technisch-wissenschaftlicher Verein
eonfegdragsyiaosnydxstiiendmnoe: vEaRetIiGvme–giEasussrtoeiopcehnannoslRoeogsieefsanricnhathItneustfriutatuutlreegfoar s, anDadnisthhGeasnTecshnyonlotghy Ceetntirce (mDenemtahrk)ane by Josef-Wirmer-Straße 1-3
GasbanadsEenedrgyoInnnoevantioenr. gy equivalent, elCteloa@nctdtagcrcto:.dTklhyeasLiasrsaennd that this could 53123 Bonn
EnRetIGwaoirsreka tn4heaw5t wEpuilrloegpureicdaneegrneassteianlrocthhweatnerdarndsetitvhieolanonppmrowecnetistsh bewwfwe.ddgc.ddk irectly to the existing Web:
tisoawcnaroodnsa-palrfouaftitunrnedertew2noe7rwkafpbolreeEbruacroseepdenaentneclroogoywpseyersattreimotn.hIitnan gas grid. This will transform gas
resewarcithhanod iinln.oEvastitoanbinltihsehfieelddofnsausttuainraablleganads an(DGVdeGrmWpaDnoye)uwtscehrer iVnerferinadsestrGuasc- utnudrWeassienrftaocheas n
ovgCroeonertsaacchtll:@lFrdeavngnkwGe.drerögschyl system. “We need
innovative gas technologies and the use of natural gas towwthw.dinvgkw.dme ore strongly in terms of
system integration and to work
withterecnehwnaboleloengergieiess. combine the highest haECDorGndtaaRectEr:nCeoartgrnyinDuteshlJteaepGmapas Roesienartcsh (Tohfe Nceothnerltaandcs)t
fEpiRclaIgtGeefaosmmfrfomeirmcigtsahibnesaeitriznsoaistrciendopyinrsresewcsaotenlniyfdttlhaainnsanskttoeihyocdinaetfatooiloeltnoesxsciss.whtIinitlnieocgffasurfleetaesrnesCdlaa.rscOuFchnieoia2qnnurtdei- becw.jwt.jewwp.emedage@arrn-upgr.ognglraams.caomnd power. The
aincnaodtvheamtiisiocnrresestreauacrsctouhrfenasc,iinliitttiheiessamnnedmeubnceiverecsrossuitnaietrsriyaess twsoueclhlgaassive considerable climate protection
irnedquussitrterrymo. eTnnhtegsmosfemeunbpeerrgpsyroaenprdrtegstaeosnitnainNphoarirtgthiechrunlea/rWrtheseshtneearwnre anEndergeifonrsek –rgSwyedeishffEincerigey Rnecseyarcph Coentteren(Stwiaedlen)
Euroopfe.gas in the international energy ofmCoacnrtotiancu.rta:pgMnalarirtn@inegRneargtgnhiaforerssk.ese two energy
aTshpeemrcetssiexfarrofcmoh ptrhoecrtplfoirmolidouaocfttieEoRnIpGofrmgoeasmtetbhecrrotsuicgoohvnteorsagaanlsl d sowuwwr.ceneersgifsorhsko.seuld be given more
utiliezantioenrign dyiffeerfefnict miearnkectsy. reasons. prominence in the process of
In addition to the integration th(CSiowsnittcazceatrslas: nMeda)rttihn Seagcero, Dnanvieela rDgeceurntincs e of gas
of renewable energies into the anmwwd.sawg.psevrg@ows.wvcghw,ew.crhw, the key
energy system, the linking of element in the success of the
gas and power grids is also energy transition”. ●
a pioneering achievement of
German industry with potential *French Gas Association
effects for the worldwide energy AFG, Danish Gas Technology
supply market. Communications Centre, German Technical
between gas and power and Scientific Association for
infrastructure in Germany are Gas and Water DVGW, Energy
becoming increasingly intensive Delta Gas Research EDGaR,
as a result of the energy transition, Netherlands, Energiforsk –
and innovative gas-based storage Swedish Energy Research
technologies are becoming Centre, Swiss Gas and Water
increasingly important. These Industry Association SVGW
can make a key contribution to and the Swiss Association of
compensating for fluctuations in Gas Industry VSG
wind and solar power generation
and making power generation
independent of power demand.
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